Girls Helped by TeenBreaks.com Speak Out
TeenBreaks.com is dedicated to helping teens and young adults with issues affecting them today – relationships, abuse issues, cutting, pregnancy, abortion, parenting, etc. We have reached millions over a number of years. It is our goal to provide accurate and nonjudgmental information so they can make informed decisions and choices when these issues affect their lives. These are follow-up stories from three girls who were affected by the information they received on pregnancy, parenthood, and abortion. They are real stories, from real people, about real circumstances.
Chelsie had this to say: I was just on Facebook defending my pro-life stance when someone said that 16-year-old girls should not be subject to going through pregnancy and parenthood and abortion is better for both the baby and the mother, and the mother would lose opportunities for education and work. Well, I have an 8-year-old. I gave birth when I was 15. I am a 24-year-old working nurse. His argument was demolished.
Then I remembered being a scared 15-year-old girl who just saw 2 pink lines, and when trying to find information to end my pregnancy before my parents found out, I stumbled across this site. This site saved me from committing murder and saved my daughter. She is a gymnast now, is very outgoing, fashionable, and loves Sunday school. God does not make mistakes. Keep doing what you do.
Stacey said: I came to TeenBreaks.com to research abortion for a speech I had to do for school. I started off thinking that I was going to do my speech on pro-choice, believing that abortion was not bad.
TeenBreaks.com changed my whole perception on abortion. After seeing the aborted babies and how the mothers felt afterward, I decided to do my speech on pro-life.
After my speech a classmate came up to me and told me she was pregnant and thinking about getting an abortion, until she heard what abortion really was like. I made a difference in the life of my classmate, and I want to thank TeenBreaks.com for helping me see the reality of abortion. Because of this site, another life was saved. Thank you.
Amber wrote: I am 22 years old. I found out I was pregnant on my birthday. I never expected to get pregnant. Once I found out I was so upset. My boyfriend and I have been together four years, but we have not been on good terms lately, and I have been making plans to go back home and go to college. My first thought was to have an abortion. I knew it was wrong because I am a Christian, but I also knew God would forgive me.
One day at work I went on the Internet to find an abortion clinic. This site came up and redirected me here. I read all of the testimonies the girls wrote and went through the whole site. Just hearing the pain that a lot of those girls went through hurt my heart.
I then saw the column What Is an Abortion? I decided to take a look at it since I really did not know exactly what was done. While I was going through the site I could not hold back the tears. They just rolled out, and I did not think I would be able to stop them.
Your site stopped me from making the biggest mistake of my life. It was a sign that I was brought to your web site, and now I am excited about my baby and grateful to you because you saved the life of my baby. Thank you, and I hope this site helps others like it has me. I will forever be grateful to this website because had I not known what an abortion really is, I probably would have made the biggest mistake of my life. Thank you again.