Pregnancy & Abortion
Teen Breaks, conceived by and for teenagers, serves as a platform to address the challenges contemporary youth face. Each narrative featured on the site is contributed by a teen, recounting their personal experiences. Unlike dictating thoughts or emotions, Teen Breaks focuses on sharing information and diverse experiences. By presenting facts from those who have encountered similar issues, it aims to empower you to make informed decisions for yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions
Might Be Pregnant?
So you had sex, whether you planned to or not and whether it was protected or unprotected. Could you be pregnant? Get help here.
Thinking About Abortion?
Abortion is serious and permanent. There’s no turning back, so don’t be pushed or influenced by others. Get all the facts before making a decision. Click Here
Is The Abortion Pill For You?
It sounds quick and easy, but learn from the girls who have taken the abortion pill. It is painful, bloody, and oftentimes very dangerous and deadly. Get the facts first.
Click Here
What Does Planned Parenthood Do?
Planned Parenthood does abortions – lots of them. But before you walk through those doors, learn about the abortion complications and deaths there. Click Here
Can Help You?
Pregnant and need help? Talk with someone by phone, e-mail, text, or live chat. Confidential and free. Click Here or text your question to 855-704-8336
Are You Feeling Pressure To Abort?
If your boyfriend, parents, or others are pushing you to abort, find out how to stand up and make your own decision. Click Here
Facing Difficult Issues Like Pregnancy & Abortion
Teen Breaks tries to cover many difficult issues like pregnancy, abortion, relationships, and others. New content is added when an issue comes up frequently and teens want to address it. To add your own story, please visit and it may be featured.
Relationships, Choices About Sex, Pregnancy & Abortion
Getting through junior high, high school, and college can be tough; and handling the relationships you have along the way can be even tougher. Dealing with relationships that turn bad can cause feelings of resentment, anger, jealousy, sadness, depression, hurt, and any number of other things. Then many questions come up as well; like, should I have sex or not; what about hooking up and friends with benefits; what if I get pregnant; should I have an abortion etc. So many decisions. Who can I turn to?
Nearly 15 million teens and young adults have turned to Teen Breaks for answers, and many have sent comments about how much they appreciated the help they received as a result. Teen Breaks provides an opportunity for you to seek personal advice, ask questions, make comments, and provide your own story, as well as offering help hotlines for those who need professional help. Just click on Contact to submit.
The bottom line is that Teen Breaks is here for you 24/7.

Need advice, help, referrals, or just someone to talk to who won’t judge? Or how about sending in your own story, comments, and suggestions? We’re only an e-mail away. – Click Here to tell us your story.